Pietro logna Prat
2010- Graduate of physiotherapy at the University of Udine (Italy) with graduation research thesis about fascial physiology.
2011- First FM I and II level course (ita)
2012- Conservatory graduate in piano at the Conservatory of Udine
2013- Second FM I and II level course (international)
2013- III level course
2013- MF assistant in courses in Italy, Slovenia, Poland, Austria
2014- Official MF teacher, currently secretary of AMF
Since 2010 private practitioner of FM in Udine and Gemona del Friuli
2011- present physiotherapy for several local sport teams (football, rugby, gymnastics, athletics)
2014- april- physiotherapist for national athletes of Italian federation of athletics (FIDAL)
2014 physiotherapist for athletes of South African Athletics national team