

Pina Cultera

1993: medical doctor, University of Florence, score 110/110
1997: specialization in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Florence, score 70/70

Since 1998: employed as physiatrist at National Health Service in Florence
2014: certificate of specialization in Hypnosis, at University of Turin
2013: certificate of Skeletal Muscular Ultrasound at University of Bologna
Knowledge of skeletal muscular dysfunctions (certificate of Vertebral Manipulation, Robert Maigne’s method, University of Siena, in 1996) and Metabolic Bone Diseases (Master in 2010)
2010: Fascial Manipulation , Luigi Stecco’s method, level I and II
2012: level III
2013: internship to become Professor of Fascial Manipulation
2013: won the first prize of the Fascial Manipulation Association, object “a comparative studi between Fascial Manipulation and lasertherapy in the conservative treatment of the carpal tunnel syndrome”, subsequently published in an international journal.

-“Conservative treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome: comparison between laser therapy and Fascial Manipulation “ Pratelli E., Pintucci M., Cultrera P. et al Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies (2015)
-“Evaluation with stabilometric platform of balance disorders in osteoporotic patients. A proposal for a diagnostic protocol” Cultrera P., Pratelli E., Petrai V. et al Clinical cases in Mineral and Bone Metabolism (2010)